Thursday 25 April 2013

Ho O'ponopono

One of my favorite people told me about this today - I tried it out.

That is to say, I called to mind all the people, things and situations that have unsettled me or caused me pain or worry in the recent past, held them gently in my mind one by one, and addressed them with, "I'm sorry | Please forgive me | I love you | Thank you".

The idea is that if we make reality (through thoughts and feelings) we must take responsibility for everything in the world - not just ourselves (which is difficult enough...)

Of course it seems impossible. But in terms of energy patterns - the actions of the Other in each of my painful situations arose through patterns which I have also generated at some point - I have caused for others the pain I experience myself. And of course, these situations cause me pain because they mirror something in myself.

So, if I heal these things in my own mind and heart, they might be healed in what seems to be the "world-out-there".

I'm going to play with this idea for a while, and see what happens. Already my sons came home today and co-operated in their homework tasks blithely without their usual resistance. Coincidence? We'll see.

Check out Dr Hew Len for more detail.

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